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Jeremiah 16:15-16

v.15 But, The LORD liveth, that brought up the children of Israel from the land of the north, and from all the lands whither he had driven them: and I will bring them again into their land that I gave unto their fathers. v.16 Behold, I will send for many fishers,saith the LORD, and they shall fish them; and after will I send for many hunters, and they shall hunt them from every mountain, and from every hill, and out of the holes of the rocks.

The prophetic word found here in Jeremiah 16:16a is being manifested right before our eyes. Never before has the Body of Christ seen such a gathering of souls into the Lord's church as we are presently seeing. We have been broken from the boundaries and limitations of the Spirit of Egypt, which caused us in times past to mourn and lament as we cast our nets upon the waters of the world; only to come up with nothing. {Isaiah 19:8; Luke 5:5a} Such as should be saved are being added to the Church. Hallelujah! {Acts 2:47} Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ has fulfilled the prophetic promise that He made to us and to His Apostles that if we would follow Him, He would make them [us] fishers of men. {Matthew 4:19}

Since the unearthing of this scripture from the plan room of God, we have experienced nothing less than the overflow of the Lord. But the question must be presented, how many more fish can we fit into our boats (buildings) of our kingdom cities (ministries)?How much larger do we build our boats? Our nets are breaking and our ships are going to the deep. How many more ships or partners are we going to call to assist us in handling the vast number of souls being given to us? {Luke 5:2-7} Daily, we pull in our spiritual nets that are filled with souls (fish) that have been drawn in by our bait and ensnared by our hooks and nets. Yet, some are only taken from one holding tank, the world to be placed in the next, our ministries.

This great gathering has pleased the Lord. However, His pleasure is swiftly becoming His distaste. A great dilemma is arising. There is a stench ascending from our boats, a smell that is literally turning the stomach of the Creator. The fish that we have toiled to catch are rotting and are going to waste in the boats. These fish are not being cleaned (delivered) or properly distributed (sent out) to benefit others in the Body of Christ, His Kingdom and the world. Most of God's chosen fishermen have become big-game fishers. Fishing for the sport, they have no real desire to gather and disperse their catch for the betterment of other families besides their own. The motivations of these fishermen aretrophies (material objects) and rewards of money that one would receive for having the largest and/or greatest amount of fish caught. Others have grown accustomed to preaching and teaching for a gathering, without having insight or revelation on what to do next.

As we follow the walk of Jesus Christ and His apostles, we see in Luke 5:11 that the ships came back to the land, which I believe was to have the catch (harvest) cleaned anddistributed, thus effecting the land and surrounding regions. To add credence to this revelation, if one would look into Luke 9:10-17, I believe they would see there is a strong possibility that some of the leftovers from the very draught of fish drawn from the Sea of Galilee in Gennesaret reached a city called Bethsaida, which would later supply the two fish for the miracle of the feeding of five thousand in Matthew 15:29-39; Mark 6:30-44 and John 6:1-13. Christ and His apostles took and utilized the catch from Gennesaret[House of Riches] and impacted the region of Bethsaida [House of Fishing]. One might ask, "Why would God take fish from one place to bring it to another place known for fishing and whose name literally means "house of fishing"? The answer is simple. Any experienced fisher will tell you that you have to release fish, in order to produce more fish. This principle of "Catch and Release" or "Selective Harvesting" is used through the world of game fishing and even in some areas of game hunting. This theory has three desired effects:

1. To separate the bad from good. {Matthew 13:47-48}

2. The trophy fish would release their "trophy genes" into his habitat to produce more fish of his kind and desired size. {Gen. 1:11-12; John. 12:24; 14:12}

3. The trophy fish would grow larger, resulting in a greater reward. {Mat. 25:14-30}

This principle, though used by the world, fulfills the very Word of God and is unquestionably scriptural. For the Lord expects us to catch and release our gatherings for a much larger and greater catch. No longer will we gather souls only to invite others to look at our pretty gifted fish trapped inside the tanks we created and placed them within. {Matthew 25:14-30}.

Secondly, we find in this passage of scriptures that the anointing to transition from fishers to hunters given to them in v.10b. This declaration "Fear not: from henceforth thou shalt catch men", was then activated as they forsook all and followed Christ in verse 11. It is here we hear the cry of God's heart, for truly the fishing season is coming to a close and HUNTING SEASON has swiftly come upon us.

From The Pen of A Ready Writer..


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